Thursday, March 3, 2016

Problems that a newly married couples facing.

Money has always played a role in everyones life, it does in the lives of couples where arguments become seemingly endless. This happens if the income gap is huge between the partners or when wife is unemployed which lead to arguing, In Indian family set up where the scene has shifted majorly from girls being a housewife to working women marital seems to be on a hike as none of the partners is ready to compromise in any situation. Here the notable thing is that money makes one individual feel secure, and in case of women it gives a good satisfactory mind and confidence in taking care of family.


We cannot change our past On the other hand bring out the possessive nature of your partner towards this relationship. While we cannot change our past keeping a tab on your present relationship should be the priority,if the partner is not comfortable with your current status it is better to maintain a healthy relationship. Some might say getting insecure is over possessiveness but at times it is justified as it might just be a word of concern from your partner’s side. Understanding your partner is also equally important which most of the couple lacks to a great extent, and that is exactly where the blame starts.

 Too much of anything is bad. This applies for married couples. Too much of love leads to misunderstandings and over possessiveness. The wife might generally talk to another,but the husband might not see this in a good way. Sometimes husbands may be more closer to their families than his wife some of the husbands finishes their works come home and continues to learn something or speak to his family without spending time with their wife’s,this is the point where arguments are caused due to over possessiveness,this leads to a problem among them and it also reflects in misunderstandings among wife and the person with whom husband is speaking, And also this causes the gap between their relationship.In such cases, both the partners, in doing so they are indirectly fighting. Possessiveness is good to deal overpocessiveness will definitely causes lots of problems between the couples.


For husband or wife’s those who are is not accepted in the family, dealing with the in laws can be very hectic.If they are far then it is good to deal with them but if they live nearby or in the family itself then that can be a problem. The problem between the husband and wife starts when the wife starts complaining about her inlaws or maybe the husband starts cribbing about the way his mother in law treats him. The idea case should be that a husband and wife should be accepted in both the families.
In some cases the wife’s inlaw may be filled with over pocessiveness and she cannot leave her son always and at times she may look for a good time to say something with the plan to get more closer to his son than his wife,which makes a little fight among the couples and when this continues the wife’s starts fighting with their husbands and by knowing this the mother inlaw will continues this and at times when wife comes to know this, this was the time to start the gap among them and leading a big problem with the family.



Decision making, is an important that a couple has to do when they are married ,sometimes that leads to trouble. Sometimes even this cannot be decided that who is to make a particular decision it’s the husband or the wife, such cases fights take place which get worse. Sometimes one of the partners may take a decision but it may not be appreciated by the other person. In such cases arguments are and it can be solved only by proper discussion by both the partners.


Communication Loss:

Incase of couples where one of them work , they often complain that their partner does not give sufficient time to them and the family. only the husband works and he often returns late from work and straight away goes to bed,the wife feels completely ignored .When both the couples work, they return late and have no means of communication during the entire day. This leads to communication loss and is the cause for small fights turning serious.



 When a couple freshlystarts their life, there is romance between them which is one of the reasons that leads them to get married .But many times couples complain that after marriage  that romance slowly starts fading,this is the reason start complaining about every small thing.  A small thing which they could overlook earlier is becoming a big issue. The lack of romance often loosens the bond which they had between them and the only solution is that both of them make an effort to bring back that romance in their lives.


FamilyTree Application Using (MVC5)

          Easiest way to design a simple application to  learn - MVC5
The execution goes to the global.asax page, invokes all the class files in the app_start folders where all the files are static.

 The route.config file gets invoked and the path is decided, the default name of each routes defined should be different.

          name: "Default1",
          url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
          defaults: new { controller = "Authenticate", action = "SignIn", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

              name: "Default",
              url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
              defaults: new { controller = "Family", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
          ).DataTokens = new RouteValueDictionary(new { area = "FamilyTree" });

    The first route invokes the signIn action specified in the Authentication controller.
    The second route specifies the Index action in Family controller where the controller is present inside the area.

Step:3  (Performing SignIn Authenticate the User custom)

Monday, February 29, 2016

Dress like a kid to look Younger

As a matter of fact, if you like tech doesn't mean you have to dress like a nerd from a 1970s movie. I will suggest to find out how we can dress like a kid to improve our fashion sense & youth look.

How can someone pick cool dresses to improve their fashion look?
The most obvious way to do that would be via the internet. You've got lots of sites at your fingertips that are willing to give you advice on what to wear, how to wear it, etc. But the Internet's style advice is only good to read but it is not as easy to apply in our real life.
The other thing you could do is find a famous person whose dress as you like and then just copy it. Use Google to find as many pictures of them as possible, see if you can find out what they're wearing.

Is there any app to improve our fashion look?
We are currently working on a fashion app which could actively suggest nice & cool fashion wearables. It has videos and advice from Dens on how to dress for occasions, finding a style that's right for you and where to shop.
Immediately you'll be more stylish. Women will smile at you in the street, men will ask where you get your suits made and you'll almost certainly get promoted.